早安英文 第496期:为孩子选一个合适的英文名(在线收听

 1.You'd better choose a name from the most popular names for you birth year.
2.You may want to find a title that's common for the era so that your kid will fit in his or her formative years, while still sounding quite unique.
3.I've heard that with names ending in “a” such as Amelia and Ella predicted to be popular for little girls this year.

4.Monikers starting with 'R' or 'Th' such as Reuben or Theo are set to be top choices for boys.
5.It seems gender-neutral names are rising in popularity this year.
今年似乎中性名字开始流行。(Andy, Max, Alex, Charlie, Emersyn, Emery, Emory, Sage)
6.Here's some other options for you. Leia, Aloy, Malia, Leo, Leon, Leonel, Leonidas, Leonardo, Leona(for girl), Luna(for girl), Nova, Harley
