《复仇》第15集 第20期:不会原谅我(在线收听

 Thank you for coming, 谢谢你的到来

your whole family. You didn't have to do that. 谢谢你们全家  其实不必的
Well, we all wanted to, son. 我们都愿意这么做  孩子
I was, uh, hoping I could come by 我希望下周可以
and visit you next week. 去拜访你
Maybe talk about finding a way to honor Amanda. 商量纪念阿曼达的方式
Our door is always open. 我的大门永远为你打开
Always. 永远
I'm sorry. 节哀
I don't know if he'll ever forgive me. 我不知道他会不会原谅我
He'll come around. 他会想明白的
I wanted to tell him the truth. 我想告诉他真相
He deserves that. 他应该知道真相
Someday, maybe. 还是以后吧
Right now, regardless of how he feels, 现在  抛开他的感受
you can't take Amanda away from him again. 你不能再将阿曼达从他身边夺走了
Nolan. 诺兰
You think you can come back to the bar with me? 你能跟我回趟酒吧吗
I got some computer problems I need your help with. 我有一些电脑问题需要你的帮助
Of course. 当然可以