《复仇》第16集 第4期:儿子的教母(在线收听

 My apologies, Mr. James, but this is quite unexpected. 恕我怠慢  詹姆斯先生  真是很意外

Well, as was the news of my sister's death. 得知我妹妹的死讯  我同样很意外
Your daughter Charlotte invited me. 您女儿夏洛特邀请我来的
Unfortunately, without enough lead time to make the funeral. 很不幸  我没能赶上葬礼
Well, it was a lovely ceremony. 仪式很体面
I'm sure Amanda would've appreciated the fact 我想  知道你尽力赶来
that you did everything you could to be there. 阿曼达就已经很欣慰了
Mr. James, Emily Thorne. 詹姆斯先生  这位是艾米莉·索恩
You look... familiar. Do I know you? 你看起来很面熟  我们认识吗
We met at the cemetery. 我们在墓地见过面
Of course. Of course. 对对  我想起来了
You said that you, uh, knew Amanda well. 你说过你跟阿曼达很要好
I-I did. I'm her baby's godmother. 是的  我是她儿子的教母
She looks happy. 她看起来很幸福
How long are you in town for, Mr. James? 打算在镇上待多久  詹姆斯先生
I hadn't put a clock on it. 现在没有具体的打算
I was on my way back from business in London when I heard the news. 我去伦敦做生意  回来的路上听说的
Well, what line of business are you in? 你是做什么生意的
Rare books. 古籍生意
Fascinating. 很有趣
Well, if your schedule allows, 如果你时间允许的话
we would love for you to be an honored guest 我们希望你能作为荣誉嘉宾
at the inaugural benefit in your sister's name. 出席以令妹命名的基金会的开幕典礼
I would love to. 我很乐意参加