《复仇》第16集 第7期:最自豪的时刻(在线收听

 Oh, by slapping her name on a charity. 以用她的名字来命名基金的方式

If I recall, you did the exact same thing 如果没记错的话  197次航班炸毁后
when you created the victims united fund 你也做了同样的事
after the crash of flight 1-9-7. 以受害者的名义建立了一项基金
Well, it's a bit of good born of tragedy. 这是悲剧的最好产物了
And which did, by the way, help me sleep a little better. 确实很有效  让我睡得稍微踏实一些
Hopefully a similar gesture will do the same for you. 希望这项举措也会对你有效
And what exactly is in my future, the Aiden Mathis fund? 以后会有什么  艾登·马西斯基金吗
The head of the Charles. 查尔斯奖的冠军
It seems like that regatta was just... yesterday. 那次赛舟会好像就发生在昨天一样
20 meters to go with your scull 2 lengths behind, 还有20米到终点  而你还落后两个桨位
and you drew on your god-given strength to win. 可你硬是凭着天赐的毅力取得了胜利
Seeing you awarded this medal was one of my proudest moments. 看到你拿这块奖牌是我最自豪的时刻之一
Thanks for the walk down memory lane. 谢谢你陪我漫步回忆小巷
Yeah, a walk I can take only because 我能回忆这些正是因为
I wasn't rotting away in some cell missing your accomplishments. 我没有烂在牢房里错过了你的成功
Daniel... we do what we do not for ourselves, 丹尼尔  我们做这些不仅仅是为了自己
but for something beyond ourselves-- 而是为了更高的目的
me for the family I already had, 我是为了现在拥有的家庭
and you for the family I'd like to imagine is in your future. 而你应该是为了你以后的家庭所努力