《复仇》第16集 第26期:无声杀手(在线收听

 There's been much speculation 最近有一些猜测

as to who would fill my father's empty seat on the board, 关于谁来填补我父亲董事会的空缺
and, well... 好吧
I'm thrilled to announce the victor. 我很高兴的宣布胜利者
Aiden Mathis. 艾登·马西斯
He's not only capable of helping steer this company, 他不仅能够帮我们运营公司
but he's got your back in bar fight, too. 而且他也会在酒吧打架时帮着你
An all-around good bloke. 一个非常不错的家伙
Welcome aboard. 欢迎
Thank you, Mr. Grayson. Good job. 谢谢  格雷森先生  做得好
So you're certain that Carrion 你确定"腐肉"
can access the account without setting off alarms? 能够安全的进入这个账户吗
She's a silent killer. 她可是个无声杀手
Why do you think I'm so anxious 这就是我如此担心
about who gets their hands on her? 她落在其他人的手上的原因
Watch and be amazed. 注意看你会大吃一惊
Super sub-net firewall... 超级子网防火墙
Demolished. 拆毁
Ooh, dual-homed gateway... 双边宿网关结构
Crushed. 摧毁
Rotating integrated matrix-- 旋转集成矩阵
Impressive and yet... 不错