
 Lo! ye believers in gods all goodness, and in man all ill, lo you! see the omniscient gods oblivious of suffering man; 你瞧!你们这些把神明当作大慈大悲。把人类当作十恶不赦的人们呀,你们瞧呀!看看那全能的神明竟不理睬受难的人类;

and man, though idiotic, and knowing not what he does, yet full of the sweet things of love and gratitude. 人类虽是愚笨,却不知他所行何事,然而,却都有着恩和爱的快乐的事儿。
Come! I feel prouder leading thee by thy black hand, than though I grasped an Emperor's! 走吧!我牵着你这只黑手,比我握着皇帝的手还更觉得自豪哪!
There go two daft ones now, muttered the old Manxman. 瞧!两个痴子一起走啦,那个人岛老头喃喃道。
"One daft with strength, the other daft  with weakness. But here's the end of the rotten line — all dripping, too. Mend it, eh? "一个是有魄力的痴子,一个是很懦弱的痴子。可是,这根烂绳头——全都湿淋淋了。把它修一修嘛?
I think we had best have a new line altogether. I'll see Mr. Stubb about it." 我想,我们最好还是去弄根崭新的绳子来吧。让我去跟斯塔布谈谈看。"
Chapter 126 The Life-Buoy 第一百二十六章 救生圈
Steering now south-eastward by Ahab's levelled steel, 裴廓德号靠了亚哈亲自校准的罗盘针,
and her progress solely determined by Ahab's level log and line; the Pequod held on her path towards the Equator. 又完全靠了亚哈所设计的测程仪来记录航速,现在正向着东南方,继续往赤道驶去。
Making so long a passage through such unfrequented waters, descrying no ships, 在这种人迹罕到的水域中作这样漫长的航行,连一艘船也看不到。
and ere long, sideways impelled by unvarying trade winds, over waves monotonously mild; 不一会儿,一阵打斜吹来的千篇一律的贸易风,把它推在和缓得使人厌倦的波涛上。
all these seemed the strange calm things preluding some riotous and desperate scene. 所有这些看似平静得出奇的情况,正是行将出现一种骚乱和险恶的场面的预兆。