《复仇》第17集 第11期:没有妈的孩子(在线收听

 Meredith, I've heard so many wonderful things about you. 梅雷迪思  我听说了很多你做的好事

One only need to look at Eli to understand why. 只需要看看伊莱就明白了
Well, Eli was always very special to me, 我对伊莱有特别的感情
As was Amanda Clarke. 就像对阿曼达·克拉克一样
Oh, how nice. 说得真好
Though I don't think I could ever forgive anyone 但是我觉得要是谁把我最珍爱的东西烧了
who set fire to everything I cared about. 我是永远不会原谅那个人的
I think you need to see it from Amanda's perspective. 我觉得你得从阿曼达的角度来看这件事
I mean, she felt like she couldn't trust anyone. 她觉得所有人都不能信任
And being a motherless child, 她是个从小就没有妈的孩子
and her father turning out to be this other... person, 而她父亲的真实面目  又是另一个样子
She just had so much pain. 她实在是太痛苦了
Indeed. 的确
I've long since forgiven her. 我早就原谅她了
We'll present the first check to you 我们会在今天下午的新闻发布会上
at the press conference this afternoon. 把第一张支票交给你
The first? 第一张是什么意思
Yes, the one to take care of your 是的  这张支票是帮你偿还
remaining mortgage. 剩余的抵押贷款的
The rest of the funds will be used 基金里其它的资金将会用来
to ensure that Amanda's former home 确保阿曼达以前的寄养家庭
remains a place where other unwanted children 在未来的几年里仍然能够收养
can flourish for years to come. 其他被遗弃的孩子
Not to sound crass, 恕我冒昧
but what sort of donation are we talking about? 请问这次的捐赠数额有多大
$250,000... 二十五万美元