美国小学英语教材6:第125课 汤姆和他的财宝箱(2)(在线收听

Another man, evidently the captain of the party, 另外一名男子显然是派对的首领,

stood at a little distance as they lifted the chest out of the boat. 他站在距离二人搬运箱子的不远处。

He had a cane in one hand and a lighted lantern in the other, although the moon was shining as bright as day. 他一手拿着手杖,一手拿着点燃的灯笼,尽管月光向白天一样皎洁。

He wore jack boots and a handsome laced coat, and he had a long, drooping mustache that curled down below his chin. 他脚穿长筒军靴,身穿帅气的系带外衣,他有着长长的,垂落的八字胡,在下巴底部呈卷曲状态。

He wore a fine feathered hat, and his long black hair hung down upon his shoulders. 他头戴华丽的羽毛帽子,长长的黑头发垂落在肩部。

All this Tom Chist could see in the moonlight that glinted and twinkled upon the gilt buttons of the captain's coat. 在月光下,首领外衣上面的镀金纽扣反射了汤姆所看到的一切,纽扣被照耀得闪闪发光。

They were so busy lifting the chest from the boat that at first they did not notice that Tom Chist had come up and was standing there. 起初他们忙着从船上搬运箱子,没有注意到汤姆·克里斯出现并站在那里。

It was the white man with the long plaited queue and the gold earrings that spoke to him. 是那个有长辫子,带着金耳环的白人男子冲他说话。

Boy, what do you want here, boy? he said in a rough hoarse voice. Where d'ye come from? 小子,你想干嘛?他用很沙哑,粗糙的口吻说着,你哪来的?

And then dropping his end of the chest, and without giving Tom time to answer, 随后将箱子的尾部放下,没有给汤姆回答的时间,

he pointed off down the beach, and said, You'd better be going about your own business, 他手指着沙滩说,你最好不要管闲事,

if you know what's good for you; and don't you come back, or you'll find what you don't want waiting for you. 你最好知趣一点,不要再回来,否则会有你不想看到的结果出现。

Tom saw in a glance that the pirates were all looking at him, and then, without saying a word, he turned and walked away. 汤姆看了一眼,发现所有的海盗都在看着他,随后没有说话,他转身走开了。

The man who had spoken to him followed him threateningly for some little distance, 那名跟他说话的男子威胁性地跟随了他一段路程,

as though to see that he had gone away as he was bidden to do. But presently he stopped, and Tom hurried on alone, 像是在确定他按照所要求的那样走开了,但眼下他停了下来,汤姆独自加快前进,

until the boat and the crew and all were dropped away behind and lost in the moonlight night. 直到船只和船员等等这一切慢慢消逝,最终消失在夜色的月光下。

Then he himself stopped also, turned, and looked back whence he had come. 汤姆也停了下来,转过身,看看他之前去的方向。

There had been something very strange in the appearance of the men he had just seen, something very mysterious in their actions, 汤姆看到的这些男子让人感到很奇怪,他们的行动好似很神秘,

and he wondered what it all meant, and what they were going to do. 汤姆在想是怎么回事,他们要干什么。
