向前一步:第220期 让我们开始讨论吧(26)(在线收听

 The second year, HBS introduced small group projects to encourage collaboration between classmates who would not naturally work together. 第二年,哈佛商学院引入小组项目,鼓励那些无法与他人相处的学生之间进行合作。

They also added a year-long field course, 他们还增加了为期一年的社会课程,
which plays to the strengths of students who are less comfortable contributing in front of large classes. 帮助一些容易紧张的学生在众人面前能够有更自然的表现。
By commencement, the performance gap had virtually disappeared. 到毕业典礼的那天,此前存在的表现差异基本消失,
Men, women, and international students were represented proportionally in the honors awarded. 这些学生都不同程度地获得了奖励。
There was another benefit too. In a result many considered surprising, overall student satisfaction went up. 他们还发现了一个让很多人都为之吃惊的好处:这些学生的总体成就感也增强了。
By creating a more equal environment, everyone was happier. 通过创造一个更平等的环境,每个人都变得更加快乐,
And all of this was accomplished in just two short years. 而且所有的变化只花了短短两年的时间。
Social gains are never handed out. They must be seized. 社会财富从来都不是被分配的,而是需要人们去主动获取。
Leaders of the women's movement — from Susan B. Anthony to Jane Addams to Alice Paul to Bella Abzug to Flo Kennedy to so many others, 妇女运动领袖——从苏珊·安东尼到简·亚当斯,到爱丽丝·保罗,到贝拉·阿布朱格,再到芙洛·肯尼迪,
spoke out loudly and bravely to demand the rights that we now have. 她们都曾为我们现在拥有的权利大声呼吁、勇敢争取。
Their courage changed our culture and our laws to the benefit of us all. 她们的勇气改变了我们的文化、法律,让所有女性都从中受益。
Looking back, it made no sense for my college friends and me to distance ourselves from the hard-won achievements of earlier feminists. 回顾过去,当年我和我的大学校友们曾竭力与早期女权主义者划清界限,这样做是不对的,
We should have cheered their efforts. 我们应该为她们的努力喝彩。