向前一步:第221期 让我们开始讨论吧(27)(在线收听

 Instead, we lowered our voices, thinking the battle was over, and with this reticence we hurt ourselves. 然而,我们却放低音量,以为奋斗已经结束了,结果却因为这样的沉默而受伤。

Now I proudly call myself a feminist. 现在,我会很自豪地宣称自己是女权主义者。
If Tip O'Neill were alive today, I might even tell him that I'm a pom-pom girl for feminism. 如果蒂姆·奥尼尔还在世,我甚至会告诉他我是啦啦队女孩,但是我在为女权主义呐喊。
I hope more women, and men, will join me in accepting this distinguished label. 我希望更多的女性、男性和我一起接受这个闪亮的标签。
Currently, only 24 percent of women in the United States say that they consider themselves feminists. 美国目前只有24%的女性会把自己看作是女权主义者,
Yet when offered a more specific definition of feminism, 然而,当女权主义者的定义更为确切时:
"A feminist is someone who believes in social, political, and economic equality of the sexes", “女权主义者指主张社会、政治、经济、性别平等的人”,
the percentage of women who agree rises to 65 percent. 这个比例将会上升到65%。
That's a big move in the right direction. 这是往正确方向迈出的一大步。
Semantics can be important, but I don't think progress turns on our willingness to apply a label to ourselves. 语言上的表述很重要,但我并不认为进步就等于我们乐意给自己贴标签,
I do think progress turns on our willingness to speak up about the impact gender has on us. 而是我们敢于去提起并讨论性别问题对女性的影响。
We can no longer pretend that biases do not exist, nor can we talk around them. 我们不再假装性别偏见不存在,或是避开不谈。
And as Harvard Business School has demonstrated, 正如哈佛商学院的研究实践所证明的,
the result of creating a more equal environment will not just be better performance for our organizations, 创造一个更平等的环境不仅能让各种组织和机构更好地运行,
but quite likely greater happiness for all. 也会为所有人带来更大的幸福。