向前一步:第230期 为平等而不懈努力(9)(在线收听

 Almost all of the women I have encountered professionally have gone out of their way to be helpful. 我遇到的所有专业女性都曾以自己的方式帮助过其他女性同事。

When I was a lowly summer intern at McKinsey, I met Diana Farrell, a star consultant, at a company-wide conference in Colorado. 当我还是麦肯锡那个不起眼儿的暑期实习生时,一次在科罗拉多州的会议中,我遇到了一位明星咨询师黛安娜·法雷尔。
We ended up having a talk that continued beyond the sinks, and she became a close friend and trusted advisor. 此后她成了我的好朋友和值得信赖的咨询顾问。
Years later, she was one of the few who encouraged me to join Google. 几年后,在少数鼓励我加入谷歌的人中就有她。
The more women help one another, the more we help ourselves. 越来越多的女性彼此间帮助,意味着她们也在帮助她们自己,
Acting like a coalition truly does produce results. 这种像联合体一样的行动是会取得成果的。
In 2004, four female executives at Merrill Lynch started having lunch together once a month. 从2004年开始,每个月美林证券的4位女性执行官都会聚在一起吃一次午餐,
They shared their accomplishments and frustrations. They brainstormed about business. 分享各自的成就和遇到的挫败,还会对其工作内容大玩头脑风暴。
After the lunches, they would all go back to their offices and tout one another's achievements. 午饭后她们会回到办公室,跟其他人畅聊她们的收获。
They couldn't brag about themselves, but they could easily do it for their colleagues. 这4位女性虽然做不到大谈自己,但让人们了解其他三个人的成就是很容易的。
Their careers flourished and each rose up the ranks to reach managing director and executive officer levels. 她们的事业发展得都很好,每个人都做到了常务董事和执行官的级别。
The queen bee was banished, and the hive became stronger. “蜂后”消失了,“蜂巢”的整体力量却变得更强了。
I know that not every woman encounters this kind of positive female support, and yet oddly, we often expect it. 我知道,并不是每位女性都能从同性伙伴那里得到积极的支持,奇怪的是,女性常常更期望得到女性的帮助。
Most women don't assume that men will reach out and help, but with our own gender, we assume there will be a connection. 大多数女性几乎并不期待男性施以援手,她们总感觉和同性之间存在着某种联系。