《复仇》第18集 第7期:敬而远之(在线收听

 Nate secretly recorded Conrad 奈特暗中录下了康拉德

practically signing off on Amanda's murder. 要为阿曼达的死负全责
Let's say somebody was able to remove 如果说有人能够
this leverage you're talking about. 搞定你所说的手握大权的人
I got it from Kenny when I confronted him 当我去质问肯尼那条船的事时
about the boat. 从肯尼手中拿到的
Can you help me? 你能帮我吗
Show me the earwig. 把窃听器给我看看
Victoria? 维多利亚
Apologies for the intrusion. 冒昧闯入  深表歉意
An intrusion is gracing my foyer unannounced. 闯入是指不请自来进到我的前厅
I don't think I have a word for what this is. 这样直接闯进卧室  我都找不到词来定义了
You can call it a peace offering. 你可以把这当成是求和示好
I was here for Charlotte and realized 我过来看夏洛特  然后意识到
that I hadn't seen you in weeks and... 我有好几周没有见你了  而且..
to ask-- 我想问
well, hope, actually-- 其实是  希望...
that my invitation to the ball tonight got lost in the mail. 今晚舞会的邀请函在寄到我家时寄丢了
You want to attend? 你想参加吗
It is the event of the season. 这可是本季的盛事
Well, I'm afraid that no invitation was lost 我恐怕邀请函没有寄丢
because none was sent. 因为根本没有寄出过
Daniel has moved on. 丹尼尔已经放手了
And maybe you should, too. 也许你也该释怀
This isn't about Daniel. 这和丹尼尔没关系
Well, it may be Halloween, 虽然是万圣节
but certain ghosts are best left outside. 但有些"鬼"最好还是敬而远之