打工姐妹花第二季 第209期:邮筒被拆除(在线收听

 All right, go. May you live a long and healthy life. 好啦,你们走吧。祝你们长命百岁,一生健康。

And put on your hat and gloves. I'm predicting snow. 记得带上帽子手套。我预测要下雪了。
It's not going to snow. At most, it's gonna rain 30-year-old dudes. 才不会下雪呢。顶多也就是30岁男人们如雨坠落。
Maybe she isn't so psychic. 她也不是多灵嘛。
Stop fighting it, Max. 不要不信邪了,麦克斯。
You're gonna find love and be happy, and I'm gonna be successful. 你会找到爱人然后过得开心,而我会超级成功。
You hear that, New York? I'm gonna be successful and alone! 你听到了吗,纽约?我将要功成名就,然后孤独终老!
And robbed and raped if you keep calling that out. 你再喊,就要被人先抢后奸了。
And it all started when I dropped that grant application into that mailbox 而成功的就是从我把拨款申请表投入,
that those guys are unbolting and taking away. What's going on? 那正被拆除带走的邮筒开始的。怎么回事?
It's called emails. We're getting rid of this. No one mails anything anymore. 听过电邮吗。我们要把邮筒拆了,现在都没人寄信了。
Yes, they do. I did yesterday. 有啊。我昨天才投进去呢。
And our $12,000 depends on it. 我们的一万二就靠那封信了
Sorry, doll. This box has been out of commission for a week. 抱歉啦,美女。这邮筒已经除役一周了呢。
According to a psychic, her box is gonna be out of commission forever. 而根据神婆说的,她下面的"邮筒"将"除役"一辈子呢。