《复仇》第19集 第10期:急进的作风(在线收听

 Tell Nolan to take as much time away as he needs, 告诉诺兰随便他要多长时间

and if there's anything else I can do to help, 要是有什么需要我帮忙的
just let me know, okay? 就联系我  好吗
Thanks, Daniel. And Nolan says thanks, too. 谢谢  丹尼尔  诺兰也说谢谢你
Listen, I was thinking about coming to the studio later 我想稍后去工作室
to see your interview. 看你的采访
That is, if you think your father won't mind. 要是你父亲不介意的话
No. No, not at all. 不会  当然不会
I-I'd love to have you there. 我希望你到场
Great. I'll see you then. 好  到时见
I love the Jedi mind trick on Danny boy. 我喜欢你对丹尼的精神控制
But it'll all be for bubkes if I can't break the Falcon. 但要是我没打败猎鹰  一切都无济于事
You will. 你会的
Mr. Grayson, your 2:00. 格雷森先生  你两点的约
Mr. Takeda, thank you for the meeting. 武田先生  感谢您前来会面
It's been a long time. 好久不见了
Yes, it has. 是啊
- Please take a seat. - Thank you. -请坐  -谢谢
I know your time is valuable, so I'll get to the point. 我知道您的时间宝贵  我就直奔主题了
I'm concerned about Aiden Mathis. 我对艾登·马西斯有所顾虑
He's recently made some unauthorized, 他最近有些行为越矩
and dare I say, reckless trades. 甚至可以说是草率交易
Well, big risks, big rewards. 高风险  高回报
Unfortunately, his aggressive style 不幸的是  他这种急进的作风
has upset some long-term clients-- 让一些长期客户不满
clients that I can't afford to disappoint. 都是些我不敢得罪的客户