《复仇》第19集 第19期:愚蠢的采访(在线收听

 Oh, it's Declan. 是德克兰

I completely forgot to cancel with him. 我完全忘了要跟他说我不去了
Go. I'm right behind you. 你先去吧  我很快就来
All right. 好吧
Declan. 德克兰
Charlotte, hey. 夏洛特
I thought you were gonna help me with this essay. 你不是说要帮我写这篇文章吗
Are you okay?  你还好吗
I'm fine. 我没事
It's just, my parents have this stupid interview, 只是  我父母搞了一场愚蠢的采访
So they've hidden me away in the tower 所以他们不想让我露面
to maintain the family image. 以免破坏我们家的形象
Well, then why don't I come to you? 那我去找你怎么样
I can bring Carl, and--and he'd love to see you. 我可以把卡尔带去  他很想见到你
I know his uncle would, too. 他的叔叔我也很想见到你
Um, I don't think that's a good idea. 我想还是算了吧
Look, I promise I'll help you tomorrow. 我保证明天会去帮你
I really gotta go. 我真的要挂了
Hold on. I-- 等一下  我
Can you check again? We're on the list. 你能再查一遍吗  名单上有我们
Excuse me, sir?  打扰一下  先生
- Can you please check one... - It's under "Grayson." -请你查一下  -登记的名字是格雷森
Hey, Charlotte, over here. 夏洛特  看这
Pose for the camera. 摆个造型吧
Hey, come on. 别害羞
How about a smile, ladies? 笑一笑  美女们
Feel like putting on a show? 有没有作秀的感觉
Well, needless to say, a man in my position 毋庸置疑  像我这样地位的人
will always be subjected to scandal and turmoil. 一定会有很多丑闻  遭受很多不满