
 How disgraceful. 真可耻

All of these people 这些人
trying to capitalize on your pain. 都想利用你的痛苦
Emily, dear, that extravagant ring on your finger 艾米莉  亲爱的  你手指上那枚夸张的戒指
does not give you permission to flit in and out of my house without good reason. 并没准许你毫无理由就随意进出我家
I was here asking Charlotte to be my maid of honor. 我是来请夏洛特做伴娘
She's really so excited to see Paris. 她真的很激动能游览巴黎
She's already seen it, multiple times. 她已经游览过  很多次了
I would assume that you of all people 我就觉得  尤其是你
would appreciate the city of lights, Victoria. 会很喜欢那座光之城的  维多利亚
After all, isn't that where you attended art school 要知道  多年前你不正是在那个地方
all of those years ago? 上的艺校吗
Sorry to interrupt. 抱歉打断你们了
Am I early? 我来早了吗
Mr. Porter, of course. We have an appointment. 波特先生  对呀  我们有约呢
Your timing is perfect because Emily is just leaving. 你来得正好  艾米莉正要走呢
Right this way. 这边请
Shall we? 有请
We can speak privately in here. 我们可以在这儿私聊
Good-bye, Emily. 再见  艾米莉