
 Slightly unsettling-- 有点吓人啊

A freshly fired Grayson employee 一个刚被解雇的格雷森员工
lurking the halls of a subsidiary. 在子公司的大堂里走来走去
Trust me, if I could be anywhere else, I would be. 相信我  我要有地方可去的话肯定不会在这了
Mm. I need your help. 我需要你的帮助
Fret not. 别担心
After the requisite rubber stamps, 在必须的常规审批后
Nolcorp can remove the Grayson noose, 诺氏企业就能脱离格雷森的束缚
and I can resume hiring. 我也可以重新雇人
You could be my bodyguard 你可以来应聘我的保安
And... I could be your Whitney. 而我就是你的衣食父母
I'm not looking for a job, Nolan. 我不是来找工作的  诺兰
That's not what I heard. 和我知道的不太一样
Look, you're gonna need something to do 你需要找点事儿干
while Emily finishes her end game. 等着艾米莉完成她的复仇游戏
There is no end game for Emily. 对艾米莉而言  这是个没有尽头的游戏
What are you talking about? 你是什么意思
All these years of training, trying to focus my anger... 这么多年的训练  我努力把愤怒瞄准...
I always thought when I avenged my father and sister 我一直认为  当我完成了给爸爸和姐姐的复仇后
that I'd get some kind of... 我就能得到某种
peace or... closure, whatever that is. 安宁  或者  了断  随便什么
Well, you must have felt something 当你杀了查斯克后
when you killed Trask. 你肯定有感触
I felt empty. 我觉得空虚
Wait. 等下