
 What's going on, Charlotte? 发生什么了  夏洛特

Kissing girls, getting arrested-- that's not you. 和女生接吻  被警方逮捕  这不像你

I'm just tired of the way 我只是厌倦了

mom and dad ruin everything and everyone. 我父母总是能毁掉所有人  所有事

And the last thing I want 我不想再让他们

is to bring someone else into this family for them to hurt. 有机会毁掉这个家庭的新成员了

Yeah, our other brother's better off staying far away. 是啊  我们的哥哥最好还是离远点

I'm not talking about him. 我说的不是他

Daniel, I'm pregnant. 丹尼尔  我怀孕了

We just received a startling tape 我们刚刚收到一盘录像

that is sure to have a major impact 它必将对这次的纽约州竞选

on the New York gubernatorial campaign. 产生重大影响

Mark has a degenerative heart condition. 马克的心脏正在衰弱

His private doctor says... 他的私人医生说

He won't survive another term as governor. 他无法再撑过一届州长的时长了

Maybe not even survive the year... 也许连今年都活不过

My husband is peerless when it comes to skullduggery. 我丈夫的阴谋诡计无人能及

I confronted him with the photos, 我质问过他照片的事

and he spins it into this. ... 他却化不利为有利

Impossible stress. 难以想象的压力

Oh, a brandy would be lovely. 我想要杯白兰地
