
 Who was David Clarke? 大卫·克拉克是谁

My father. 家父
And how much did he mean to you? 他对你有多重要
Everything. 特别重要
He meant everything to me. 他就是我的全部
He was a bad man. 他不是好人
Shut up. He didn't do anything wrong. 闭嘴  他什么也没做错
Because of him, many people died. 许多人因他而死
So did he! 他自己也死了
Good. 很好
I need that anger and confidence. 我就是要这股愤怒和自信
You will learn to balance it with patience and observation. 你要将之与耐心和洞察力融合
I just want people to pay. 我只想让恶人罪有应得
There are two paths to revenge. 复仇有两条路
One is failure. 一条是失败
The other will set you free at your journey's end. 而另一条会在终点还你自由
And you are the guy that gonna show me the way. 而你是将要带领我的人