
 Charlotte. Hey, thank god. I went to the police. 夏洛特  谢天谢地  我去找了警察

They said Daniel bailed you out after the blackout. 他们说丹尼尔在你昏迷后保释了你
So I came here. I figured you'd be here or across the street or-- 所以我来这了  我想你可能在这或街对面
You shouldn't be here, Declan. 你不该来这儿  德克兰
Why? What happened to you? 为什么  你怎么了
I told her everything. 我告诉了她所有事
How you freaked out and shoved me to the street 我说你配不上她
When I said you weren't good enough for her. 你就生气了还把我推到街上
Wait. You--you told her that I did that to you? 等等  你告诉她  我这样对你吗
You're completely psychotic. 你真是疯了
Look at his hand. 看他的手
- Look,Charlotte.I told you. - God. I-- -夏洛特  我告过你  -天哪  我
This is--I-I got this trying to bust out 这是  我们困在取款室时
of the atm vestibule that we were in. 我撞出来时弄的
That must have been when he stole the bail money. 一定是他在偷保释金的时候弄的
What are you talking about? I didn't steal a thing from you. 你说什么  我没有偷你的东西
Check his pockets. 检查他的口袋
No, you know what? I... 知道吗  我
oh, my god. 我的天
- Can we get some help here, please? - She is lying. -麻烦来人帮帮忙好么  -她撒谎
- I'll take that.- I didn't take any-- -这个我来拿  -我没拿
We got a problem, young man? 有问题吗  小伙子
No, there's no problem. She's-- 没  没问题  她
Yeah, all right. Let's go. 那就好  走吧
she's lying! 她在说谎