
 I was such a fool... 我就是个笨蛋...

thinking Emily would walk away from her revenge, 以为艾米莉真的会放弃复仇
especially for love. 为了爱放弃复仇
Oh, if she did it once, 如果她曾这么做过
she's... capable of doing it again. 她肯定可以再次做到
What do you mean, if she did it once? 什么意思  她曾经怎样了
I as--I assumed that you knew. 我...我以为你知道
After everything that happened last year, 去年那些发生之后
she immediately left for Japan. 她离开这里去了日本
I... 我...
There was too much collateral damage. 所造成的间接伤害太多了
Everything was going off the rails. 一切都脱离了预定轨迹
She had to walk away. 她不得不离开
I'm--I'm getting the whole "Walking away" thing, Nolan. 我接受"离开"这事  诺兰
What I'm not getting is for whom. 但我想知道她是为了谁离开的
Jack Porter. 杰克·波特
I guess I wasn't the only one harboring secrets. 原来我不是唯一藏有秘密的人
I'm sorry. 我很遗憾