
 Did you download that trendist video of us onto your phone? 你是不是用你手机下了那段恶心的视频

No. 没有
Did Declan just tell you that? 德克兰跟你说的吗
He's a total liar 他是个骗子
and a thief. 还是个小偷
Let me see your phone. 那给我看看你的手机
No. 不行
Good-bye, Regina. 拜拜  雷吉那
Yet while New Yorkers continue to struggle 当纽约人依旧遭受
with the lingering effects of the cyber attack, 网络攻击的后续影响之时
the state election board has yet to decide 国家选举委员会还没决定
if tomorrow's gubernatorial election 明天的州长选举
will go on as planned. 是否照常进行
There are concerns... 有民众担心...
Nolan, I saw him. 诺兰  我见到他了
The man Takeda was tracking was just at Grayson Global 武田跟踪的那个人就在格雷森国际
posing as I.T. 信息技术部门
I take it you haven't found a match. 如果你还没找到匹配的我能接受
What? 怎么了
Ems, Aiden was just here. 艾米  艾登刚刚在这
He told me he killed Takeda. 他告诉我是他杀了武田
He wanted me to give this to you. 他想让我把这个交给你