
 How'd you get all this? 你怎么拿到这些的

Spend a few years in juvie, you learn a few tricks. 在少管所待了几年  学了两手技巧
Declan's in I.C.U., room five. 德克兰在重症监护室  五号房
I would take the south entrance in, 我从南面的门口进去
but be careful. 你小心点
Victoria and Charlotte are still in the waiting room. 维多利亚和夏洛特还在等候室
There's no way they're not gonna recognize me. 她们肯定会认出我的
Well, I'll keep them distracted, 我会分散她们的注意力
but you can only be in there for a few minutes. 但你只能在那待几分钟
I'll meet you back here when you're done. 你探视完我们还在这里碰头
Emily. 艾米莉
I'm not gonna pretend I... understand 我实在不明白
why you're doing all this for me. 你为什么要为我做这些
You've been suffering. 你已经受了太多罪
You're angry. Believe me, I... 你很生气  相信我  我...
I get it. 我明白
Good. 很好
'Cause I'm not sure how all this is gonna play out, 我不知道这事结局会如何
but I was hoping that you'd still be Carl's godmother 但我希望不论我出了什么事
if something should happen to me. 你都能继续做卡尔的教母
Part of taking care of Carl 照顾卡尔有一部分
means not letting anything happen to you. 意味着你要保护好自己
Now get dressed. Your brother needs you. 快换衣服吧  你弟弟需要你