
 Hey. Uh, you can go in for a few minutes, okay? 你可以进去呆几分钟

He's a very brave young man. 他是个勇敢的年轻人
Oh, my god. 老天
Declan. 德克兰
I am so sorry. 我很抱歉
I never should've listened to Regina. 我不应该听信雷吉那的话
- No. - None of this would've happened. -没事的  -否则这一切就不会发生了
No, no, no, no. 不  别这么说
It's not your fault. I'm just-- 这不是你的错  我只是
I can't believe you waited out there all night. 真不敢相信你在外面等了一夜
The doctors wouldn't tell me anything. 医生什么都不肯跟我说
I was sick with worry. 我担心死了
You know what? They say I'm gonna be fine. 知道吗  他们说我没事
Thank god. 谢天谢地
I cannot face all of this without you. 没有你  我没办法面对这一切
You are stronger than you think, Charlotte. 你比你想的坚强多了  夏洛特
I need you to believe that. 你一定要相信自己
After all, with us as parents, 总之  有我们这样的父母
the kid's gonna be a handful, isn't he? 咱们的孩子也会很难管教  是吧
Are you sure that's what you want? 你确定想要这孩子么
Don't you? 难道你不想
You're gonna be a great mother. 你一定会是个很棒的母亲
Based on what? 这怎么可能
I have the worst role models in parental history. 我有着全天下最糟糕的父母
You know exactly what not to do. 你知道什么不该做