夏说英语新闻晨读 第566期:英国酷暑来袭(在线收听


Londoners are set to bask in glorious sunshine and hotter temperatures than Barcelona before the mercury drops below freezing for large parts of the UK. Temperatures could reach as high as 19C across a large part of the country on Friday but conditions will turn colder over the weekend and widespread frost will arrive next week. Central and south east England are expected to get the best of the weather but there will be sunny spells from eastern Scotland to northern England, in Wales and the south west.

be set to do sth.: 将要;可能发生
be likely to do sth.: 可能
bask in: 晒太阳
mercury: n. 水银
drop below freezing: 降到零下
be expected to do: 预计……;预料……
spell: n. 一段时期
cold spell: 春寒期
dry spell: 干旱期
rain spell: 雨期
