
 Wait. You didn't tell him I was president of the inner circle, did you? 等等  你没告诉他我是核心组织的头儿吧

I haven't seen him. 我没见过他
After Declan's funeral,he packed up the Stowaway 在德克兰葬礼之后  他把偷渡者酒吧关掉
and left with Carl. 把它丢给卡尔了
I guess that's for the best. 这样也许是最好的吧
I don't wanna risk losing one of the few friends I have left. 我可不想冒险失去所剩无几的朋友  
I'm sorry,Nolan. 抱歉  诺兰
You should never have been involved in my plans. 我不该把你牵扯进来的
No dice,Ems. 说什么呢  艾米
I will be by your side until we have taken down 我会一直支持你
everyone who wronged your father... 直到我们把所有陷害你父亲...
and me. 和陷害我的人扳倒
Especially if this is your new summer pad. 这是你的避暑公寓吗
Not mine. 不是我的
For serious? 真的吗
If memory serves,I still owe you a house. 如果没记错  我还欠你一间房子呢
I guess sometimes payback's not a bitch. 看来有时候回报还真有好的
Although I imagine it will be 不过对于纽约第一大且最糟糕的家族
for New York's first and worst family. 就不是这么回事了
What do you have on tap? 有什么计划吗
A long summer of fun. 好好玩一个夏天
Beginning with tomorrow's Memorial Day party? 从明天烈士纪念日派对开始吗
And if everything goes as planned, 如果一切按计划进行
that'll be the last one the Graysons ever attend. 这就是格雷森家族最后一个派对了