
 Finally achieving the immortality You've always hoped for. 终于得到你希望的永垂不朽了

Oh,no,my legacy lies in the work I'm getting done. 不  我能完成工作  这才是重要的
It's a springboard both for the state's rehabilitation 这只是个跳板  助我复兴国家
and my ascension to the higher offices to which I'm destined. 登上我应得的高官位置
To that extent,I've been going over the specs of the party 说到这里  我在看派对的资料
Ms. Thorne's been kind enough to throw in your mother's dormancy, 索恩小姐很热心代替你母亲主持派对
and while security is acceptable for a typical Hamptons hobnob, 若只是普通汉普顿派对  安保足够了
it's sorely inadequate for a future presidential candidate, 不过如果有总统候选人  这还是不够的
So we will be adding handheld metal detectors 所有得在所有入口处
and x-ray scanners at all the entrances. 加上便携金属探测器和X光扫描
Is that why you called me here? 你为了这事叫我来
To make me head of your security detail? 让我当你的安保小队的头
I mean,I know I need a job, But I'm not that desperate. 我的确需要工作  但不至于干这个吧
I didn't say you were. 我没这意思
This is a dossier for Rice & Hawthorne, 这是赖斯&霍桑公司的资料
where a primo V. P. position awaits. 他们需要一个副总
I said,dad,hedge funds aren't for me anymore, 爸爸  我说了不想干对冲基金
and neither are your connections. 也不想利用你的关系
It's time to make something of myself. 我得自力更生了
Well,as long as it isn't kickstarting a poetry review. 只要你别去当诗歌评论家就好了