
 I want a virgin screwdriver.  "我想要杯伏特加橙汁鸡尾酒"

Margaux? 玛尔戈红
I mess up one order when I'm 14, 我十四岁时弄错了这酒名
and you'll never let me live it down. 你就一直嘲笑我不停
You seemed very happy with your orange juice. 看来你很喜欢橙汁嘛
Such a nice surprise to see you. 见到你真高兴
How long has it been? 多久没见了
Oh,well,since before you knew how to properly ask for a drink. 在你还是个点酒菜鸟之前见过
- Light summer reading? - Yeah,I wish. -夏日消遣读物吗  -我倒希望
Looking for my next career move. 是准备下一份工作啦
I've never understood how making money is a job description. 我从不明白赚钱怎么是工作
But of course,your kind are a necessary evil 但你这样人必然存在  虽然邪恶
as I'm here to be ogled by yet another investor. 否则怎么有投资人来找我呢
That could be 'cause you're not wearing a bra... 那是因为你没穿内衣吧
Or because boys never grow up. 本质是因为男人都是毛头小子
You didn't catch me looking,did you? 我没在看吧
But you still noticed. 但你还是注意到了
I'm actually late. 我迟到了
But let's catch up tomorrow at your girlfriend's Memorial Day party. 明天到你女朋友的烈士纪念日派对上再聊吧
You're coming? 你来啊
I try not to miss a chance to see American culture-- 我可不会错过感受美国文化的机会
Elusive as it is. 尽管这很难捉摸
All right. Well,I'll see you then. 好吧  到时见
Yes. All right. 好  好的