
 Hold it right there. Hold it right there. 待在那别动  待在那别动

What the hell are you doing, Nolan? 你这是干嘛  诺兰
I meant to, uh, R.S.V.P., but, uh... 我本想回你的请帖  但是...
was unceremoniously detained. 我莫名其妙地被拘留了
You could have been shot, Mr. Ross. 他们会开枪的  罗斯先生
Beats waiting for a death sentence, Governor. 总比等着被判死刑要好  州长先生
Keep an eye on him. 留意点他
You look piqued, Conrad. 你好像很生气  康拉德
I cannot suffer any more bad press 我不能再因为那个白痴
due to that fool. 而造成更多的负面报道了
Well, let's get straight to the unveiling. 还是专注揭幕式吧
- Refocus the crowd. - That's a good idea. -把注意力放在大家身上  -好主意
Today we unveil the portrait 今天我们要揭幕一副画像
that will serve as a remembrance 它会让我们记得
for all of the good that you've done for generations to come. 你为我们的后代所付出的所有心血
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... 女士们  先生们  他就是
Governor Conrad Grayson. 康拉德·格雷森州长
Well, first of all, I would like to offer each and 首先 我想对来到现场的每个人
every one of you the warmest of welcomes from this lovely location. 致以最热烈的欢迎