
 Unhand my painting this instant. 马上把你的手从我的画上拿开

Uh, pay no mind to the lady of the house, gentlemen. 先生们  不用理这个女人
As you were. 该怎么做还怎么做
What do you think you're doing? 你想干什么
I was under the impression that you had 如果我没记错的话
at least a few more months before dementia kicked in. 你至少还要再过几个月才会变成痴呆
Charming. 说得真好
Maintaining stables, 维护马厩
standing suites at the south fork, 在南方酒店订房间
and our yacht you've suddenly grown fond of again, 以及你又喜欢上的游艇
actually costs money. 都是要花钱的
Auctioning off one of the pieces 把一幅画拍卖掉
from your collection this afternoon 今天下午拍卖掉你的一副收藏画的钱
will keep us afloat... for June. 能够帮我们维持到六月份
Oh, and when, pray tell, 那请你告诉我什么时
will you be sacrificing your ferrari? 轮到你牺牲你的法拉利呢
We can discuss that in July. Unless, of course, 我负责七月呗  除非
you've suddenly found our stolen millions? 你忽然找到被偷走的那几百万
July it is. 那就七月吧
Miss Thorne. 索恩小姐
I decided to do some baking. 我烤了点糕点
I thought I'd... share. 美食得共享  就拿过来了
They're blueberry. 蓝莓的
That's my favorite. How considerate... 那是我的最爱  真贴心...
and ironic that my wife is 讽刺的是  我妻子竟是家里
the only woman in this family who doesn't care about me. 唯一不关心我的女人