美国小学英语教材6:第132课 汤姆和他的财宝箱(9)(在线收听) |
All that morning the memory of the night before hung over Tom Chist like a great threatening cloud. 整个一早上,昨晚的记忆就像阴沉沉的乌云一样笼罩着汤姆。 Not for a moment was it lifted. Even when he was hauling in his dripping line with a struggling fish at the end of it, 很长时间无法忘怀,即使在他往回拽湿漉漉的渔网时也依然如此,网兜里面是挣扎的鱼,
the memory of what he had seen would suddenly come upon him, and he would groan within himself at the recollection. 他会马上想起他所看到的场景,一想起这些他内心就会叹息。
When the boat reached the shore again, he leaped scrambling to the beach, and as soon as his dinner was eaten, 当轮船再次靠岸,他立马跳上岸爬到沙滩上,吃完中餐以后,
he hurried away to find Parson Jones. He ran all the way from Abrahamson's hut to the parson's house, hardly stopping once. 他就立马去见了琼斯牧师,他从阿伯拉罕森的小屋一路跑到牧师的房屋,几乎没有停过。
When he knocked at the door, he was panting and sobbing for breath. 当他敲门时,他正上气不接下气。
The good man was sitting on the back-kitchen doorstep, 牧师正坐在后厨房的门阶上,
while his wife within was rattling about among the pans and dishes preparing their supper, 里屋的妻子正喋喋不休地说着话,还掺杂着准备晚饭的碗碟声,
of which a strong, porky smell already filled the air. Then Tom Chist told his story, panting, hurrying, 浓郁的肉味散发在空气中,汤姆讲述了他的故事,他喘着粗气,着急忙慌地,
tumbling one word, over another in his haste. Parson Jones listened, breaking every now and then into an exclamation of wonder. 在慌忙中蹦出一个又一个字,牧师琼斯听着,时不时地发出惊奇的声音。
I don't see why they should have killed the poor black man, said Tom, as he finished his story. 我不明白为什么他们要杀了这名可怜的黑人男子,汤姆说到,他的故事讲完了。
Why, that is very easy enough to understand, said the parson. Twas a treasure box they buried! 牧师说为什么,这个问题很好回答,他们埋葬的是宝藏。
In his excitement Parson Jones had risen from his seat and was now clumsily pacing up and down. 牧师激动地站了起来,笨重地来回踱步。
A treasure box! cried out Tom. Aye, a treasure box! And that was why they killed the poor black man. 一个宝藏!汤姆叫了起来,没错,是一个宝藏,这就是为什么他们杀害他的原因。
He was the only one, d'ye see, beside they two who knew the place where twas hid, 你明白吗,他是唯一一个知道宝藏藏匿之处的人,除了那两个人,
and now that they've killed him, there's nobody but themselves knows. The villains! 如今他们杀了他,除了他们自己现在没人知道,这些恶人。
Why, then, said Tom, it is indeed a wicked, blood treasure, and fit to bring a curse upon anybody who finds it! 汤姆说为何,这确实是一个邪恶,血腥的宝藏,任何找到他的人都会被诅咒!
Tis more like to bring a curse upon the souls who buried it said Parson Jones. 那些埋葬他的人更有可能被诅咒,牧师琼斯说到。
It may be a blessing to him wh finds it. But tell me, Tom, do you think you could find th place again where twas hid? 对于找到它的人或许是好事,但告诉我汤姆,你认为你能找到那些人埋藏宝藏的地点吗?
I can't tell that, said Tom, twas all in among the sand humps, d'ye see, and it was at night, too. 汤姆说我不能保证,宝藏在沙堆中,当时又很黑。
Maybe we could find the marks of their feet in the sand, he added. 他补充道,或许我们可以在沙子中寻找他们在脚边做的记号。
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/mgxxyyjc/d6c/475457.html |