
 I wouldn't go that far. 还没到信教的程度

My father used to read me stories from the Bbible. 我父亲曾念圣经里的故事给我听
I was always drawn to the Old Testament-- 我总是被《旧约》给吸引住
God--the one who avenges. 上帝--那个复仇者
If you sinned, you paid a price. 恶有恶报
That seemed fair to me. 在我看来很公平
Well, I prefer to believe that 我更愿意相信
forgiveness washes away all sins. - Maybe... 宽恕能洗刷罪恶  -也许吧
but not their consequences. 但宽恕不是罪恶的结果
I believe you have to answer for those. 我相信你得为犯下的罪恶负责
And if we refuse, then... 如果不的话  那么
Then we all deserve to burn in hell. 那么我们就该饱受地狱烈火灼烧
I don't know what I deserve. 我不知道我该受什么惩罚
Oh, Conrad, I didn't mean you. 康拉德  我不是说你
And even if I did, you're Catholic. 就算是说你  你是天主教徒
You can always repent. 你可以忏悔
Sorry to drop by unannounced. 抱歉突然造访
Paul. How uncanny. I was just thinking about you. 保尔  真不可思议  我刚刚才想到你
Divine intervention, perhaps. 也许是神的旨意吧