
 You get a chance to look over my remodel ideas, J.P.? 你有空看看我修改后的想法吗  杰克·波特

Success is all about branding. 成功的重点就是品牌化
Well, branding can keep calling me "Jack." 品牌化可以继续叫我"杰克"
But I did check 'em out, and I'm down for a few changes. 但我看过了  我想进行一些改变
What's all this? 这些是什么
Invitations to the wedding of the century. 世纪婚礼的邀请函
Maid of honor reporting for duty. 伴娘的工作
I thought you were into it. 我还以为你很热心
Emily and I have hit a few bumps lately. 艾米莉和我最近有些分歧
I'm trying the bygones thing 我想把过去的事抛诸脑后
because she's marrying my brother in eight weeks. 因为她八周后就要和我哥哥结婚了
But sometimes, I swear, I don't know the real Emily. 但有时  我发誓我不认识真的艾米莉
So are you thinking of asking Margaux to the wedding? 你打算叫上玛尔戈参加婚礼吗
I'm not going to the wedding. 我不参加婚礼
Not going? 不去吗
I need a little break from Emily Thorne. 我得远离一下艾米莉·索恩
We're losing him. 他快要不行了
Still in v-tach. 还在室颤
Charge again. Clear! 再电击  准备就绪
Come on, come on. 拜托  拜托