
 You walk out that door, 你走出这门

and I'm not gonna be here when you get back. 以后就别想回来了
Then don't forget to turn on the alarm. 别忘了打开警报器
Yes, at the Sheila Lurie gallery. 没错  在希拉·劳瑞画廊
Oh, Jordan, thank you for your support. 谢谢你的支持  乔丹
I'll see you then. Bye, now. 到时候见  先挂了
Still making phone calls, I see. 还在打电话啊
Well, the more clients I secure, 我能拉到的客人越多
The faster I'll be fiscally independent from this marriage. 就能越快经济独立  摆脱这段婚姻
And I want that gallery swarming. 我希望画廊人满为患
Although I'm loathe to endure the stares of friends 虽然我讨厌那些所谓朋友们的眼光
who relish my predicament. 他们就等着看我出丑呢
Well, let 'em stare. 没关系  让他们看吧
Then when you're back on top, they'll kiss your ass. 等你爬到顶峰  他们自会来拍你的马屁
Why don't you take a walk with me on the beach? 跟我一起去海滩上走走吧
It's where I go to clear the cobwebs. 我心烦的时候就去那儿
Oh, I would love to, but I have invites to extend, 我很想去  可我还有应酬
and I need to reach out to Daniel and Charlotte. 而且我得找到丹尼尔和夏洛特
I really need their support. 他们的支持对我来说很重要