
 You know, the more I know you, the less I know you. 我越了解你  就越觉得自己不了解你

Jack, what are you doing here? 杰克  你怎么来了
You can't be here! - And you can? 你不能来这里  -你就可以来吗
I'm not just gonna sit around 我不会袖手旁观
and let Conrad get away with murder. - Let me deal with him. 让康拉德就这样逃脱罪责  -我来处理就好
We can fight, or we can get to work. 我们可以继续吵下去  也可以开始干活
But I'm not going anywhere. 但我不会离开
I think I found something. 我发现了一些事
I just took a video of the entire car. 我给车拍了一个视频
Look at the steering wheel. 你看方向盘
That's housing for an air bag that Conrad had installed. 里面有康拉德安装的安全气囊
Though it must have deployed when the car hit the pole. 车撞到电线杆之后  安全气囊打开了
That's why Conrad has burns on his face 所以康拉德脸上有烧伤痕迹
and father Paul doesn't. 而保罗神父没有
This could really prove that Conrad was driving, 这一点可以证明当时康拉德在开车
which means that he had the air bag 也就是说他们在弃车之前
removed and destroyed before they towed the car. 康拉德把安全气囊取出来毁掉了