
 Puppet master herself. 她本身就是个布局大师

You know, it really is a compulsion with you. 你这次的手段可真强硬
Oh, who can blame a mother for wanting to put her house in order? 谁能怪罪一个想要家庭和睦的母亲呢
I got a magazine to launch. So are we done, 我还有发行杂志的事要忙
or is there another reason you wanted me to come by? 所以要是你没别的事  我可以走了吗
Good morning. 早上好
Wow, right. 瞧我这记性
Daniel, you've been staying at the South Fork, 丹尼尔  你最近一直住在南方酒店
So you wouldn't know. 所以你不知道吧
Emily is taking Charlotte and myself 艾米莉今天要带我和夏洛特
shopping for wedding clothes today. 去采购婚礼要穿的衣服
Of course, Patrick and I aren't the only 那是当然  你们的和解条约上
peace treaty you've negotiated. 肯定不止我和帕特里克的事
Daniel, I want nothing more than to move past 丹尼尔  我只想快点抚平
the unfortunate incident at Nolan's party. 诺兰派对上的那件不愉快的事
Okay, well, I gotta run. 那好吧  我走了
When I get back from the city, can we talk? 等我从城里回来  我们能谈谈吗
I don't know when I'll be done tonight. 我不知道今晚什么时候才能下班
But if there's time, then sure. 如果还有时间的话  好的
Patrick, my office is gonna need 帕特里克  我办公楼的大厅要添置
some new art for the lobby. 几件新的艺术品
I know a guy. Yeah? 我认识一个搞这个的
Why don't you walk me to my car? 那我们边走边谈
You ladies have fun. 女士们购物愉快
Emily, I am so sorry. 艾米莉  非常抱歉
I'm sure you can understand how it never occurred to me 我想你能谅解  我从没想过
that seeing your intended would cause stress. 见到未婚夫会让你让这么紧张
I hope the price of the dress doesn't do the same for you. 我也希望裙子的价格不会让你紧张
Remember, they're my treat. 记得  全都我付账