
 Oh, submersible crate and... Homing beacon. 潜水箱和归航指向标啊

I think it was "Town & Country" Said, 我记得是《城乡之间》里说过
"They were the must-haves for the hamptons this season". "它们是汉普顿这个季节的必备品"
I need you to hold on to these until the wedding. 我需要你在婚礼前代为保管它们
After Daniel's launch party tonight, 今晚丹尼尔的开幕仪式过后
I plan on having him back for good. 我打算跟他重归于好
Operation "Recommit." "破镜重圆"计划啊
Well, that explains the dress shopping with Victoria. 难怪你要和维多利亚一起去买礼服呢
Yeah, your little excursion made the front page of "T.M.I." 你们的行程已经上了《TMI》的头版了
Though, honestly, I'm stunned that Vicky agreed to go, 不过说实话  我很讶异维姬居然同意去了
Especially after you told the world she was more, 毕竟你居然向全世界宣称了
Mm... Bargain basement than haute couture. 比起高级时装  她更像是廉价特卖品
Well, she's obviously up to something. 她明显有所图
Have you figured out who's trying to off her hubby? 你弄清是谁想害她老公了吗
Not yet, but Aiden's taken over the investigation. 还没  不过艾登已经在调查了
Oh... Good. 是吗  很好
'cause everything went just pithy last year 自从他去年参与进来
when he was on the case. 真是处处节外生枝
My priority is to keep the wedding on track. 我的首要任务  是让婚礼保持在正轨上
I know things went south before... 我知道事情之前有点偏离目标了
Yeah, they didn't just go south, Ems. 艾米  事情可不只是有点偏离
They went Arctic. And you know what? 完全是背道而驰了  而且你知道吗
Frankly, I'm kinda tired of the way that this stuff 说实话  我真有点厌倦了
is constantly screwing up our lives, 这些事一直来破坏我们的生活
Especially... stuff you want the most. 特别是我们最想要的那些东西