
 From now on, I vow to be free of him. 现在开始  我发誓彻底摆脱他

And how can I help? 我能帮什么忙吗
Allow me to put the gallery and its contents in your name. 让我把这家画廊和所有的藏品归在你的名下
That way, he can never profit from our hard work. 这样才能保证他不会夺走我们辛勤工作的成果
You trust me with this? 你相信我吗
My entire future 我的全部未来
is now in your reliable hands. 都掌握在你这双牢靠的手里了
And I'll do everything I can to protect it. 我会尽我所能保护它的
I know you will, Patrick. 我知道你会的  帕特里克
Just as I know what you've done. 我也知道你做了什么
You tried to take Conrad's life. 你试图要了康拉德的命
You don't need to deny it. 你无需否认
That bastard humiliates you every chance he gets. 那个混蛋抓住一切机会羞辱你
He treats you with nothing but hate. 他对你只有满满的仇恨
I couldn't stand by and let him get away with it. 我不能任他这么肆意妄为而坐视不管
I'm not gonna apologize for wanting him dead. 我不会因为想让他死而道歉
But you gotta believe me. I... 你得相信我  我...
I never meant for an innocent man to die. 我从没想过有个无辜的人会受牵连而死
Conrad put Father Paul in that car, not you. 是康拉德让保罗神父上的车  不是你
You tried to spare me from a monster. 你只是想从坏蛋手里救出我而已
It was an act of pure selflessness, 这完全是无私之举
and one I will always cherish. 我会永远铭记于心的