夏说英语新闻晨读 第586期:华尔街上演一场素堡包之春(在线收听


Shares of vegan burger maker Beyond Meat soared on their Wall Street debut as investors bet on the growing popularity of plant-based foods. The stock closed up 163% on the first day of trading, valuing the California company at close to $3.8bn. The company has aggressive plans to expand sales outside the US. Money raised from the listing will give Beyond Meat the firepower to compete with other rivals in the increasingly crowded fake meat market, which includes Silicon Valley start-up Impossible Foods.

vegan: adj. 严格的素食主义的 n. 严格的素食主义者
vegetarian: adj. 素食的 n. 素食者
soar: vi. 暴涨
debut: n. 首秀
aggressive: adj. 有野心的
listing: n. 上市
firepower: n. 火力
