
 But I think he's the one. 但我觉得他就是我的真命天子

Yeah, no, I mean, I know it's fast. 是  我知道我们发展得太快
It is, Nolan. It is. 是的  诺兰  是太快了
Look, I've heard things about him. He's messed up. 我听说过他的事  他就会惹祸
He tried to kill Conrad. Instead he killed that priest. 他想要害死康拉德  却把神父害死了
Did she tell you that? 是她告诉你的吗
"She" who? 哪个"她"
Emily. 艾米莉
Yeah, the only way that you would have known about Patrick 你只有从艾米莉那里才能知道
is if she discussed it with you. 帕特里克的事
You know... 知道吗
I'm done talking around what's real 我不想再谈什么现实了
when we shouldn't have to. 因为没必要谈
I can't sit in a chair reserved for friends 我不能再一边坐在这个只招待朋友的椅子上
and lie to your face anymore. 一边对你说谎了
Emily Thorne... 艾米莉·索恩
is Amanda Clarke. 就是阿曼达·克拉克
You know it. 你知道
I know it. 我也知道
And now we both know the truth about each other. 现在我们彼此都交底了