
  What are you looking at, sister? 你的眼睛往哪儿看呢 小妞

  Hey, Leroy. 勒多伊 
 Manners. 礼貌点 
 We have a guest. 她可是客人
 So you are, uh, Henry's mother? 这么说 你是亨利的生母
 How lovely for him to have you back in his life. 你能重回他的生活 他一定觉得很幸福
 Actually I was just dropping him off. 其实我只是把他送回来而已
  Don't blame ya. 不能怪你
 They're all brats. 小孩子就是一帮兔崽子
 Who needs'em?  谁需要他们啊
Well, I'd give anything for one. 我倒是很想要个孩子
 My wife and I... we tried for many years, but, uh...It was not meant to be. 我们夫妻尝试了好多年,但是,我们注定命中无子吧
Well, cry me a river. 我真是感动得泪流成河啊
 Leroy, I'm going to let you out. 勒罗伊 我放你出来 
 You need to behave. 但你表现好点
 Put on a smile, and stay out of trouble. 保持笑容 别热麻烦
 Seriously? 有必要关我吗
 Regina's drinks...A little stronger than we thought. 瑞金娜的酒,比预期的还要烈
I wasn't drunk. 我不是醉驾
 There was a wolf standing in the middle of the road. 当时有只狼挡在路中间
 A wolf. 一只狼 
 Right. 没错
Graham, Henry's run away again. 格兰姆 亨利又离家出走了 我们得
 We have to ... What is she doing here? 她在这里做什么
 Do you know where he is? 你知道他去哪里了吗
 Lady, I haven't seen him since I dropped him at your house, and I have a pretty good alibi. 女士 我送他回家后就再也没见过他,而且我有充分的不在场证明
Yeah, well, he wasn't in his room this morning. 好吧 今天早上 他又从房间里消失了
 Did you try his friends? 你试图联系他的朋友了吗
 He doesn't really have any. 他没什么朋友 
 He's kind of a loner. 他挺孤家寡人的
Every kid has friends. 每个孩子都会有朋友
 Did you check his computer? 你检查他的电脑了吗
 If he's close to someone, he'd be e mailing them. 如果他和谁亲近 也许会给他们发邮件
And you know this how? 你怎么知道这些事
Finding people is what I do. 我的职业就是寻人
 Here's an idea.  我有个主意
 How about you guys let me out, and I'll help you find him? 你们放我出来 我帮你们找他