美国小学英语教材5:第134课 纽伦堡火炉(10)(在线收听


By and by the key turned in the lock of the door. 渐渐地,钥匙在门锁上转动了。
He heard heavy footsteps and the voice of the man who had said to him, “You are like a little mad dog.” 他听到沉重的脚步声和那个对他说:“你像一只疯狗。”
The voice said, “Now you shall see what I have bought for two hundred florins. 那个声音说:“现在你会看到我花了两百弗罗林买了什么。
Never did you do such a piece of work.” 你从来没有做过这样的作品。”
Then they began to strip the stove of its wrappings. 然后他们开始剥去炉子的包装纸。
Soon they uncovered it; that he knew by the exclamations of wonder which broke from the man who had not seen it before. 不久他们就看到了炉子;他知道这是由于那个以前从未见过它的人发出的惊奇的叫声。
“A right royal thing! Magnificent! Matchless!” “一个真正王室的物品!”很壮丽!无与伦比!”
After praising and marveling, the men moved to a distance and began talking of sums of money. 众人称赞希奇,就远远的走了,谈论起钱来。
All August could make out was that the king—the king—the king was used very often as they talked. 奥古斯都看得出来,国王——国王——在他们谈话的时候,国王经常被人利用。
After a while they seemed to agree to something, and were in great glee. 过了一会儿,他们似乎达成了一致,非常高兴。
He had made out from their talk that they were going to show Hirschvogel to some great person. 他从他们的谈话中看出,他们要把赫希沃格尔介绍给某个伟大的人物。