美国小学英语教材5:第135课 纽伦堡火炉(11)(在线收听

 Presently the door opened. 不一会儿,门开了。

He could hear the two dealers’ voices and the voice of another person, clearer and softer, close by the boy’s ear, which exclaimed, “Beautiful!” 他能听到两个商人的声音,还有另一个人的声音,更清晰、更柔和,靠近男孩的耳朵,喊道:“漂亮!”
“Beautiful!” said the stranger a second time, and then examined the stove in all its parts. “很漂亮!”陌生人又说了一遍,然后检查了炉子的各个部分。
After a while the men went away, leaving August and Hirschvogel to pass the night there. 过了一会儿,他们走了,留下奥古斯特和赫施沃格尔在那里过夜。
August awoke with a start, just as the docks of the city struck six in the morning. 就在城市的码头在早晨六点敲响的时候,奥古斯特一觉醒来。
All was dark around him. 周围一片漆黑。
Was it still night, or had morning come? Tramp, tramp, came a heavy step up the stair. 现在是黑夜,还是早晨?噔噔噔,沉重的脚步声走上楼梯。
Then the dealers began to wrap up the stove once more in its straw and cords. 然后商人们又开始用稻草和绳子把炉子包起来。
Presently they called up their porters, and the stove was carried on the shoulders of six strong men down the stairs and out into the street. 不久,他们叫来了搬运工,六个壮汉扛着炉子下了楼,上了街。
Even behind all those wrappings August felt the icy bite of the cold air. 即使在这些包裹的背后,奥古斯特也感到了刺骨的寒风。
The carriers tramped through the city to the railway station. 搬运工们步行穿过城市到火车站。
August recognized the railway noises, and thought, ‘‘Will it be a long journey?’’ 奥古斯特听出了火车的声音,心想:“这将是一段漫长的旅程吗?”
For his stomach had an odd shrinking, and his head felt light and swimming. 因为他的胃有一种奇怪的收缩,他的头感到很轻,在游动。
Whether for a long or a short journey, the stove was this time not left alone. 无论是长途旅行还是短途旅行,火炉这次都没有被单独留下。
The two dealers and the six porters were with it. 两个商人和六个搬运工也在车上。
In his darkness August knew that, for he heard their voices. 奥古斯特在黑暗中明白这一点,因为他听到了他们的声音。