
 Madame Mayor? 镇长阁下

Wait by the car? 去车那边等
Ms.Swan, I left you off the hook back there. Don’t press it. 斯旺女士 我放了你一马 别太过分了
I’m sorry, but Mrs.Nolan… 抱歉 但是诺兰太太
kinda feels like her story could be a load of crap. 我觉得她的故事太离谱了
All this time, there’s a John Doe lying around in a coma 一直以来 一个无名氏昏迷不醒
and nobody puts it in the news? 却从没上过新闻
Nobody goes looking? 没有人找他
Something’s not right here. 这里有些事情不对劲
Well, what else would make sense to you? 这里有什么事你觉得正常
Why would Ms.Nolan lie? 诺兰太太为什么撒谎呢
Oh ,do you think I cast a spell on her? 你觉得我对她施咒了吗
I think it’s rather strange 我觉得更奇怪的是
you’ve been his emergency contact all these years, 多年来 他的紧急联系人一直是你
and you only found her now. 而你却现在才找到她
Well, this town is bigger than you know. 镇子比你想象的要大
It’s entirely possible to get lost here. 有人失踪也完全有可能
It’s entirely possible for bad things to happen. 发生坏事也完全有可能
And just when it’s convenient, you manage to solve the mystery? 只要时机合适 你就会解开谜团
Thanks to you. That tape you found… 要感谢你 你发现的录音带
That was a stroke of genius. 是个神来之笔
So we went back and looked at past tapes. 我们回去查了一下以往的录音带
Turns out Mr.Doe’s been talking in his sleep. 结果发现无名氏先生说梦话
He’s been calling out for a ‘kathryn’. 他一直在呼唤‘凯思林’这个名字
After that, it wasn’t hard to put the pieces together. 然后 整个事情就明朗了