
 I have his things. 我有他的东西

What? 什么
The sheriff. 警长的
He rented an apartment that I own. 他租了我的公寓
Another reason for my call, really. 这是我打电话的另一个原因  真的
I wanted to offer you a keepsake. 我想给你留着做纪念
I don't need anything. 我什么都不需要
As you wish. 随你便
I'll give them to Mayor Mills. 我会把这些东西送给米尔斯镇长
It seems like she was the closest thing he had to family. 似乎她是警长最亲近的人
I'm not sure about that. 我不太认同
No love lost there, I see. 他俩没什么感情  我懂的
I fear that all of this stuff  恐怕这些东西
is headed directly for the trash bin. 会全被直接扔进垃圾桶里
You really should take something. 你真的应该留点东西做纪念
Look. His jacket. 看  他的外套
No. 不要
Well, look. 看这个
Your boy might like these, don't you think? 你儿子会喜欢这个的  你觉得呢
You could play together. 你俩可以一起玩
I don't...  No, please. 我不...  别这样  拜托
They... they grow up so fast. 他们  他们很快就会长大的
Thanks. 谢谢
You enjoy these with your boy. 祝你俩玩得愉快
Your time together is precious, you know? 你们在一起的时间很宝贵
That's the thing about children-- 孩子们就是如此
before you know it... 不知不觉间
you lose them. 你就失去他们了