
 Toaster broken? 烤箱坏了吗

It wasn't when I started with it. 刚开始还是好的
Pretty sure it is now. 但它现在肯定坏了
I just needed to hit something. 我就是得出出气
What's going on? 怎么了
Regina fired me 瑞金娜开除了我
so she could put one of her own puppets in as sheriff. 这样她就可以让自己的心腹坐上警长之位
That's my job. 那是我的职位
Never heard you so passionate about it before. 头回知道你如此热衷这个职位
What happened? 发生了什么
I don't know. I just... 我不知道  我就是
I know I want it back. 我想要回那份工作
There must be a reason. 你这样肯定是有原因的吧
Maybe... 大概
I just want to beat her. 我就是想将她一军
Good evening, Ms. Swan. Sorry for the intrusion. 晚上好  斯旺女士  叨扰您了
There's something I'd like to discuss with you. 有些事情  我想跟您谈谈
I'll let you two talk. 我这就回避
Come on in. 进来吧
Thank you. 谢谢
I, 我
I heard about what happened. Such an injustice. 我都听说了  这真不公平
Yeah, well, what's done is done. 是啊  可木已成舟
Spoken like a true fighter. 这口气倒像个真正的斗士
I don't know what chance I have. 我毫无机会
She's Mayor, and I'm... 她是镇长  而我不过是
Well... Me. 我自己
Ms. Swan, two people with a common goal 斯旺女士  若是两个人目标一致
can accomplish many things. 可成大事