
 This is a waste of time.  真是浪费时间

Have a nice trip back to Boston.  祝你回波士顿一路顺风
Sorry to bother you.  No,it's...  抱歉打搅你了  不...
It's okay. I fear this is partially my fault.  没事 我担心我也有部分错误
How's a book supposed to help?  一本书怎么能帮助他?
What do you think stories are for?  你觉得故事是用来干嘛的?
These stories...  这些故事...
The classics?  久传不衰的故事
There's a reason we all know them.  我们都知道是有原因的
They're a way for us to deal with our world,  它们是我们认识这个世界的方式
a world that doesn't always make sense.  这个我们总是弄不明白的世界
See,Henry hasn't had the easiest life. Henry 生活可不轻松
Yeah,she's kind of a hard-ass.  他妈妈是挺严厉的
No,it's more than her.  不 不光是他妈妈的原因
He's like any adopted child.  他跟别的被收养的孩子一样
He wrestles with that most basic question they all inevitably face  他纠结于不可避免的基本问题
"why would anyone give me away?"  "为什么有人要送掉他们?"
I am so sorry.  真对不起
I'm so sorry. I didn't mean in any way to judge you.  抱歉 我没有任何评判你的意思
It's okay.  没事
Look,I gave the book to him because I wanted Henry  我把书给Henry是因为我想让他
to have the most important thing anyone can have...  拥有这世上最珍贵的东西...
Hope.  希望
Believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a very powerful thing.  即使是对于美好结局的希望 也能是非常强大的力量
You know where he is,don't you?  你知道他在哪 是吧?
You might want to check his castle.  去他的城堡找找吧
No.  不
No. I can't...  不 我...
Have this baby now.  现在不能生小孩
Doc,please help me.  医生 帮帮我
It's gonna be okay.  会没事的
The wardrobe's almost finished. Just just hold on.  树屋都准备好了 坚持住
It's ready.  准备好了
It's too late. We can't move her.  太迟了 她不能动了
Push.  用力
The wardrobe.  树屋