
 You must know that not even its unholy power can bring your loved one back from the dead. 你得明白 就算是暗黑咒的强大力量也无法让你的爱人起死回生

Have you considered a pet? 你想养个宠物吗
They can be quite comforting. 可以给你带来一些安慰
The only comfort for me is Snow White's suffering. 只有白雪公主的痛苦才能给予我安慰
Well it's her wedding night. 现在是她的新婚之夜
I doubt she's suffering right now. 我可不觉得她有什么好痛苦的
I need that curse. 把我的咒语给我
I know you keep it hidden in the orb above your staff. 我知道它就藏在你魔杖的水晶球里
Hidden for the good of all old friend. 老朋友 我把它藏起来是为了大家好
Whoever created that monstrosity makes the two of us look positively moral. 跟这个魔咒的创始人相比你我就如圣人一般善良
Who did give it to you? 是谁把这个咒语给你的
Where I got it's none of your concern. 怎么得到的与你无关
Hand it back. 还给我
Must we do this? 非得动手吗
Alas we must. 恐怕是的
No! 不要
Love is weakness Maleficent. 爱使人软弱 玛琳菲森
I thought you knew that. 你应该比谁都明白
If you're going to kill me kill me. 想杀我就动手吧
Why would I do that? 为什么要杀你
You're my only friend. 我可只有你这一个朋友
Don't do this. 别这样
This curse there are lines even we shouldn't cross. 有些界限就算你我也不应逾越
All power comes with a price. 获得力量总要付出代价
Enacting it will take a terrible toll. 施用暗黑咒的代价尤为惨重
It will leave an emptiness inside you... 它带给你内心的空虚
a void you will never be able to fill. 你永远也无法填满
So be it. 我不在乎
Who among us is tired of losing? 你们谁还没有厌倦失败
That's why I called you here... 我今天叫你们来