
 What is that? 那是什么

It's an air shaft. 是个通风井
I'm... really... 我非常...
really... 非常...
really sorry. 非常抱歉
It's all right. 没关系
I just wanted to find proof. 我只是想证明些事情
No it's really all right Henry. 别这样 真的没关系 亨利
I mean I'm I'm sorry too. 我也很抱歉
Look I I don't think you're crazy. 听着 我不觉得你疯了
I I just I just think that you've got a very strong mother 我只是觉得你有个非常强悍的母亲
who's got a clear idea of the path that she wants you to be on 她为你精心设计了你未来的人生旅途
and when you step off that she... 当你走岔了 她...
She gets scared and you know that's natural 她就开始害怕 这很自然
but it's also natural for you to be able to be free 但是 你按照自己的想法
to think the things that you want to think. 思考问题 这也很正常
So... 所以
anyway I I didn't mean those things I said 不管怎样 我之前说的话不是我的本意
and I I never should have said 'em. 而且我也不该说那些话
Then... why did you? 那...你为什么要说
I guess I'm just not a very good person. 也许我不是个好人
I'm not the man I want to be. 我想当个好人 但我不是
Okay. All right. Gun it. 好 好了 再加把劲
Okay stop. We got it. 好 停 行了
All right. 好了
So? What's next? 接下来怎么办
I think you can be him. 我觉得你能做到
I think you can be a good person. 你能做个好人
I mean you're Jiminy Cricket. 你可是小蟋蟀杰米尼
Henry. Henry Jiminy Cricket was a uh 亨利 亨利 小蟋蟀杰米尼
he was a cricket okay and he was a conscience and and I hardly think that's me. 他是个蟋蟀 他是个良知 我不认为那就是我
But before you said he was a guy who took a long time 可你之前说他花了好长时间
to figure out the right thing to do. 才弄清该做什么才正确
That kinda sounds like me. 有点像我了
Now it's harder for you because of the curse 现在 因为诅咒的缘故
to hear the voice inside of you 你要听到内心的声音更难
to be who you want to be. 想要做你想做的人也更难