
 Didn't we just try that? 我们不是试过了吗

And it woke him up. 所以他醒了
You're the ones who saved me right? 是你们救了我 对吧
Oh. Yeah I I guess. 是 没错
And uh you're also the only ones I know here. 你们也是我在这里唯一认识的人
You can hide with us. 你可以和我们一起躲这儿
Fantastic. Thank you. 太好了 谢谢
So... you ever use a sword? 你用过剑吗
I'm sorry? 不好意思 你说什么
Emma you live with Mary Margaret right? 艾玛 你和玛丽·玛格丽特一起住吧
You know if she's coming tonight? 她今晚会来吗
No she couldn't make it. 不 她来不了
You should go out there. 你应该去外面待着
There's plenty of food. 食物已经够多了
Go. 去吧
Be with your husband. 和你丈夫待一起
I lost him once now I have him back. 我失去过他 现在他回来了
But it's like I still don't have him back. 但好像他依然不在我身边
You have no idea how that feels. 你不知道那是什么滋味
Actually I do. 事实上 我知道
I lost someone once too. 我也曾失去过某人
Really? 真的吗
Yes. 是的
But the love I lost there's no bringing him back. 但我失去的人已不可能再找回
You have a chance here. 你还有机会
Go to him. 去找他吧
You're right. 你说的对
And Regina thank you. 瑞金娜 谢谢你
Thank you for being such a good friend. 谢谢你对我这么好
It's been so lonely. I'm not used to having one. 我一直很孤单 有了朋友都有点不习惯
Neither am I. 我也是
Well like it or not 不管你是否喜欢
you have one now. 现在你有我这个朋友了
Have you seen David? 你们看见戴维了吗
Um... he... 他...
No. 没看见
Did you not get the invite? 你没收到邀请吗
David. 戴维
So I heard you resigned from the hospital. 听说你辞了医院的志愿者工作
Was it me? 是因为我吗
Because of what I told you 因为我表白了
about how I felt 我的感觉
about you. 对你的感觉
Come on. Don't tell me it's one sided. 拜托 别说我是一厢情愿
You're married. It should be no sided. 你已有家室 一厢情愿都不应该
What it should be doesn't matter. 事情该怎样不重要